Monday, October 26, 2009


Very excited that on my walk with Frankie this morning we saw a Lyrebird. Firstly we heard this small bird song, sung unusually loudly coming from under the Casuarinas, and then there it was prancing around - jumping from banks to logs. Courting time or just flushed out by the rain!

This photo is a bush view to our house. Did not have the camera with me for a Lyrebird shot - unfortunately.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Julie and Julia

Just got back from seeing Julie and Julia. What a lovely movie about finding yourself! I was supposed to go to Danks Street Design Markets but when I arrived at my friend Katherine's place it started to pour and we decided on Plan B - this wonderful movie. As a result I will attempt to cook beef bourguignon from stephanie alexander's cookbook 'the cook's companion' for Catherine and her daughter Lara who will be minding our house and pets while we are in India.
Oh, and Katherine put me onto the English cooking equivalent goddess Elizabeth David. I have just purchased a couple of her books on Amazon and shipped them to Rob in Kansas. One is called 'Elizabeth David's Christmas' which will come in handy with all the family here for Christmas. Hope Rob and Jill choose some recipes from it in advance!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

When in Bangalore

We are on the first floor. The lowest verandah you can see is ours. I can just picture myself sitting there reading a book taking in the sounds of Bangalore.
Hopefully there will be some interesting creatures visiting the lovely tree which I will try to identify when I get there.

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Turnaround Retro in India

Only 3 weeks until I am in Bangalore India, joining Mike who has been there for 2 months already. We will stay there for another month and then return to Sydney. This is my first blog which I decided to do as a record of my trip and the experience of visiting India. We will be travelling up to Agra to visit the Taj Mahal. A building built to honour the love of a husband for his dead wife is amazing in itself, not to mention being built entirely of marble!

The photos above are from my home in Sydney. This is my starting point for this journey and the place that I love!